Comprehensive servicing of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Comprehensive servicing of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Design and construction of a new HVAC system (chilled water).
Complete renovation of ventilation and filter ventilation system.
Complete renovation of the JETS Vacuum sanitary system.
Comprehensive moderation of the sanitary system.
Comprehensive construction of a new HVAC system (chilled water).
Complete renovation of ventilation and filter ventilation system.
Complete renovation of sanitary systems.
Delivery and installation of a reverse osmosis system.
Complete renovation of ventilation and filter ventilation system.
Complete renovation of fresh water sanitary system.
Complete renovation of the ship’s dehumidification system.
Installation of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Installation of a new ship cold store.
Transport of a gas turbine.
Comprehensive construction and installation of island mode power plant systems.
Comprehensive construction of sanitary systems (fresh water, sewage).
Complete renovation of the HVAC system.
Installation of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Specialist works on the elements of ship’s armament.
Comprehensive construction of a new HVAC system (chilled water).
Comprehensive construction of a HVAC system.
Comprehensive construction of a sanitary system.
Complete replacement of the sanitary system.
Complete replacement of the sanitary system.
Installation of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Comprehensive renovation of the reverse osmosis system.
Installation of elements of the “Humbak” sanitary system.
Complete renovation of HVAC and filter ventilation system.
Comprehensive construction of a sanitary system (vacuum).
Renovation of the SG exhaust system.
Complete renovation of HVAC and filter ventilation system.
Complete renovation of HVAC and filter ventilation system.
Servicing of the “Rekin” sewage treatment system.
Comprehensive delivery and installation of a HVAC system.
Comprehensive delivery and installation of sanitary systems.
Reconstruction of the cargo hold ventilation system.
Complete replacement of the sanitary system.
Complete renovation of HVAC and filter ventilation system.
Comprehensive construction of sanitary systems and HVAC.
Complete renovation of sanitary systems.
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of HVAC system (DNV class)
Delivery, installation and commissioning of sanitary systems
Installation and commissioning of process water piping systems
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of provisions storage
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of water enrichment station
Complex repair of anticontamination ventilation system
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of HVAC system (PRS class)
Delivery and installation of new bilge water oil separator
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of REKIN sewage treatment plant
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of water enrichment station
Complex repair of fresh water system
Complex repair of sea water system
Complex repair of sanitary discharge system
Complex repair of bilge drainage system
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new HVAC system
Complex repair of technical space ventilation system
Complex repair of anticontamination ventilation system
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of provisions storage
Propeller shaft repair
Sewage system repair
Air handling units repair
Genset control system repair
Oil level indicator system repair
Sanitary system service and repair (tank chlorination, pressure testing)
Main engine room monitoring system repair (supports, cablework)
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new HVAC system (chilled water)
Complex repair of ventilation and anti-contamination system
Complex repair of sanitary piping systems
Complex repair of deck equipment
Complex repair of cold provisions store
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new HVAC system (chilled water)
Complex repair of ventilation and anti-contamination system
Complex repair of sanitary piping systems
Delivery, installation and commissioning of RO desalination plant
Complex repair of deck equipment
Delivery and installation of kitchen equipment
Complex deinstallation and installation of superstructures along with technological transport routing for main engine moving
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new HVAC system (chilled water)
Complex repair of ventilation and anti-contamination system
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of HVAC system (DNV class)
Delivery, installation and commissioning of sanitary systems
Installation and commissioning of process water piping systems
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of provisions storage
General repair jobs based on current requests
General repair jobs based on current requests
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of REKIN sewage treatment plant
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of HUMBAK water filtration plant
Complex repair of ventilation and anti-contamination system
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new HVAC system (chilled water)
Complex repair of ventilation and anti-contamination system Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of REKIN sewage treatment plant
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of HUMBAK water filtration plant
Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of provisions Delivery, installation and commissioning of RO desalination plant
Installation of piping systems based on PVC, PE and PB material
Complex repair of Air Handling Units
Periodical service of REKIN sewage treatment plant
Periodical service of HVAC system
Periodical serivce of cold provisions store
Periodical service of REKIN sewage treatment plant
Periodical service of HUMBAK water filtration station
Replacement of wastewater treatment block
Overhaul of the JETS vacuum sewage system
Design, supply, installation and commissioning of REKIN sanitary block.
Design, supply, installation and commissioning of TEAMTEC shipboard garbage incinerator.
Design, delivery and installation of the ship’s HUMBAK water treatment plant.
Comprehensive overhaul of the special ventilation system.
Overhaul of air conditioning system
Osmotic water maker service
Service of fresh water preparation unit
Repairs to main drive components and auxiliary unit
Reconstruction of the sewage pipeline of the EVAC system
Repair of the air conditioning system
Annual inspection of the air conditioning and ventilation system
Service inspection of the Humbak water treatment plant.
Inspection of the ship’s refrigeration plant
Air conditioning system repair
Replacement of ship systems pipelines
Repair of the mast in the stay weld
Annual inspection of the air conditioning and ventilation system
Purchase of materials, prefabrication and installation of technological installations. Implementation of thermal insulation of pipelines. Installation of equipment, pumps, filters, etc. Prefabrication and assembly of support structures and supports to the ground. Prefabrication and assembly of mobile supports for pipelines. Connection of process tanks with pipelines. Execution of condensate istallation
Inspections and current repairs of refrigeration equipment
Repair of the fuel tank telemetry system at military airfield
Specialist consultation for disposal system of WASH dumped in the Baltic Sea
Repair of ballast tank measurement system
Repair of air conditioning units
Installation of metering, fuel, oil and cooling water systems for the Electric Engine Complex
Inspection and repair of air compressors
Prefabrication and installation of carter oil mist separators for the Electric Engine Complex
Clearing the sprinkler system and performing deck sprinkling
Service inspection of the filtroventilationc unit
Overview of a vacuum sewage system.
Cleaning the system using the pulse method.
Inspection and replacement of radiator seals.
Overhaul of the fuel and dehumidification system.
Painting of the ship
Bonding of windows
Installation of air conditioning system in the building
Purchase of materials, prefabrication and assembly of ship systems – works carried out in Polish and Swedish shipyards
Preparation of technical and operating documentation of the air conditioning system and the refrigeration room
Cleaning of ventilation ducts with microbiological testing
Overview and service of air conditioning and ventilation systems
Relocation of the technical laboratory in the building. Modernization of the glycol pumping station, installation of tanker unloading at the tray. Modernization of the reactors. Replacement of sliding elements and couplings on the mixer shaft. Disassembly of mixers and modernization of standardizer tanks. Insulation of process pipelines
Performing valve automation by adjusting and installing new actuators and their controls. Repair of the Waste Heat system. Performing a check of the nests and chain for helicopters on the helipad. Repair of the main engine automatic control system. Repair of the STABILIZED GLIDE SLOPE system. Replacement of the electric motor of the set screw mechanism. Repair of fuel, cooling, bilge pumps
Pulse cleaning of wastewater system
Cleaning and disinfection of the fresh water system
Repair of air conditioners
Repair of the refrigeration room
Repair of pumping unit
Inspection of centrifuges
Repair of wastewater treatment plants
Repair of the MTU main engine
Checking the strength of the sockets for fixing the helicopter on the helipad
Service of the chilled water system
Service of the wastewater treatment plant
Inspection of the fresh water system
Inspection of the refrigeration room with verification of equipment parameters
Renovation of the ventilation system in the ozonation building of the water intake plant
Renovation of the water disinfectant dosing system and tanks at the water pumping stations
Modernization of the dust collection system in the building
Repair of the exhaust outlet
Inspection and repair of ship systems
Design, supply and installation of marine equipment and systems:
– air conditioning
– fresh and sea water
– waste water
– heating
– ventilation and filterventilation
– refrigeration room
Design, supply and installation of marine equipment and systems:
– wastewater
– fresh and sea water
– ship dehumidification
Renovation of the air conditioning system
Repair and inspection of ship’s refrigeration plants
Repair of air conditioning system
Disinfection of hot water system in buildings
Testing of helicopter attachment nests. Testing of foam agent for extinguishing the helipad. Repair of fuel refueling hoses with measurements. Inspection of the compressors of the compressed air system. Repair of fuel valve. Reconstruction of sanitary facilities
Oil separator replacement
Overhaul of oil system valves
Replacement of oil system pipelines
Replacement of hydrophore tank with installation of UV sterilizers
Testing of helicopter attachment nests. Testing of the foam agent for extinguishing the helipad. Measurement of the fueling bilge for the helicopter. Measurement of the thickness of the sheet metal of the airstrip covering. Testing of the precipitation of chains for fixing the helicopter. Repair of 400Hz inverters. Replacement of barriers of the landing field. Repair of cable track under the main engine container. Repair of tilt stabilizer automation
II High School in Sopot
– electrical, ventilation, general construction works Gdynia Underground Exploitation Club
– ventilation of the shelter Military Unit
Overview of the air conditioning system
Industrial water pipeline replacement
Installation of cyclone dust collector in sludge incineration plant
Replacement of ducts and overhaul of the flue gas scrubber
Replacement of ladders at the wharf
Inspection and repair of ship systems
Ongoing technical inspection of the HUMBAK water treatment system and fuel centrifuge. Repair of the cooling system of the shaft lines and the sewage system.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Overview of ORCA wastewater treatment plant. Installation of a fresh water system.
Repair of chilled water system. Service inspection of the de-oiler.
Service inspection of ballast pumps.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspection of vacuum system and air conditioning system.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Installation of windows and external doors.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Repair of the deflection control system.
Annual inspection of the air conditioning and ventilation system.
Service inspection and repair of the ship’s air conditioning system and refrigeration equipment.
Cooling system pipeline replacement.
Inspection and repair of the tilt stabiliser system.
Inspections and current repairs of the air conditionig system.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
Inspections of the air conditioning system.
Installation of the air handling unit.
Repair of the air conditioning system.
Repair of cooling system.
Major renovation of three pieces KH-200 tugboats.
Inspections and current repairs of ship systems and devices.
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